That title is a little scary! We do not yet know the depth of our predicament, but the COVID-19 threat began this month. By the end of the month, events were being canceled, stores were sold out of masks and toilet paper, and I was regularly working at home to avoid the crowded commuter trains. But before normalcy ceased, I attended Wonder Festival and a couple of concerts.
この題名はちょっと怖いですよ! 問題の重さがわからないうちに新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の脅威が始まりました。 月の終わりまでイベントが取り止めになり、店ではマスクとトイレットペーパーが売り切れ、満員の通勤電車を避けるために私は在宅勤務をしていました。通常の生活の終わり前Wonder Festivalとコンサートに行っていました。
Wonder Festival Winter 2020
Wonder Festival, the Chiba plastic model and cosplay event, was as fun as it always is. I arrived late this year and regretted it as I could not see everything.
Wonder Festivalという千葉県のガンプラとコスプレイベントはいつも通り楽しかったです。 遅刻してしまったから全部を見られなくて残念でした。
Kikuratemenshisu and Reitoubonyuu
Before the fear of crowds reached a fever pitch, my acquaintance, Habiko, and her band held their first punk-rock concert.

My friend Kazumi’s progressive rock band, Kikuratemenshisu, also held a very successful show.
On Becoming a Shut-In
By the end of the month, events were canceling left and right and there was not much to do other than sit inside and look out at the cold weather. I did the best I could to make the time productive, however. I worked on taxes, rearranged my closets, and even did some long delayed decorating.
月の終わりにイベントがたくさん取り止められてから、家で座って寒い天気を見る以外、活動があまりありませんでした。 でも生産的な時間が作れるように頑張りました。 税金申請や押し入れの掃除や遅れていた室内装飾をしました。