January 2016 – Color This!

Published on Author admin

January 2016 marks the one year anniversary of this blog and my return from Japan. I celebrated, apparently, by doing absolutely nothing interesting. Seriously, this entry contains nothing more than commentary on a coloring book. If I were you I’d skip it entirely.

2016年はこのブログとアメリカに帰ることの記念日です。お祝いは何もしませんでした。本気にこの更新は 塗り絵の本についてコメントしかありません。スキップしたほうがいいです。

Worst Coloring Book Ever

Perhaps you noticed that a film called “Star Wars” came out in January. I went with my mom early in the month and we both enjoyed it, even if it repeated a lot of stuff from the first movie.

一月に「Star Wars」と言う映画が開演しました。お母さんと見て行ってよかったと思いました。 初めの映画の物を繰り返したのに。

I have also enjoyed all the associated marketing, like the toys, the calendars, and the toasters.



The coloring books, however, have been terrible. I bought a set of four “Play Packs” just to show you. Each Play Pack has stickers, four crayons, and a coloring book. But look at the coloring book pages.

しかし塗り絵の本は悪かったです。 あなたに見せるために「Play Packs」と言う塗り絵の本を四つ買いました。 Play
Packはステッカーと四本のクレヨンと塗り絵の本があります。 でも塗り絵の本の絵を見てきださい。


These are storm troopers, whose costumes are black and white! These pictures are already in color! How am I supposed to use a green, red, blue, or yellow crayon on this page?

「Storm Trooper」は衣装が白黒ですよ! この絵もう塗られました! このページはなんで緑か赤いか青いか黄色のクレヨンを使いますか?


Here is Kaylo Ren, who dresses in all black, and his space ship, which is all black. I supposed I could color Ren’s face, but I do not have a flesh-colored crayon!

服が全部黒いKaylo Renさんと黒い宇宙船です。 Renさんの顔が塗られるけど肌色のクレヨンがありませんよ!


The end of the book has some heroes to color. Now, a coloring book should offer simple drawings with a lot of room for coloring. These drawings are obviously made by software outlining photographs, and have huge patches of black which I can not color.

巻末に塗られる主人公があります。 たいてい塗り絵の本は簡単の絵で塗るの余裕あればいいです。 この絵はパソコンのソフトに作られて大きくて黒くて塗れない点があります。


And here are even more storm troopers. None of them even have backgrounds!

もっとStorm Troopersがあります。 背景も全然ありませんよ!


I think these coloring books will make children cry.


I Hate Snow

Speaking of crying, the snow fell pretty heavily in the early part of the month. I do not hate the snow itself, really, but I do hate driving in it.

泣くのと言えば、上旬に雪がたくさん降りました。 雪が嫌いじゃないけど雪が降る時運転が嫌いです。

driving in the snow in westlake

Luckily, the end of the month was fairly snow-free.
