Cold and snow. That’s February in Ohio.
My job search continued to fail all month. Truthfully, I did not put much effort into it. Helping my mother and father seemed more important. My father’s heath continued to fail slowly. Like many cancer patients, he had good days and bad days, but the bad days became more frequent and severe.
When I was not helping Dad I spent most of my time reading and surfing the Internet. I also began a project of transferring our old home movies from VHS tapes to DVDs. Click below for a short sample of a three-year-old Bradley dancing the night away.
Unlike most blogs, comments are unavailable in Bradblog. If you would like to contact me, my e-mail is the same as always and you can still find me on Facebook or Twitter. I read those sites daily although I rarely post.
他のブログに違い、Bradblogはコメントがありません。 連絡をしたかったら、メールがいつも同じでFacebookとTwitterで見つけられます。 毎日そのサイトを読んでもあまり更新しません。