December 2021 – Hiroshima

Published on Author admin

Check out this month’s blog post for my short trip to Hiroshima and so very many photos of shrines.



For the second year, the pandemic stopped me from traveling home for Christmas. Driven by Japan’s low infection rate and my desperate yearning to get out of my apartment, I traveled to Hiroshima for a couple days.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

I chose a hotel close to the Hiroshima Peace Park so that I could get photos both at night and under daylight. I was not disappointed as the grounds and monuments were beautiful and moving.


The Atomic Bomb Dome was the most powerful monument for me. It was difficult to imagine an explosion powerful enough to reduce the old exhibition hall to the current skeleton.


The Peace Park contains several other memorials to those effected by the atomic bomb.


The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is the city’s main effort to ensure there will be “No More Hiroshimas.” It is filled with photos, videos, and first hand accounts of the bombing and the years of difficulty that followed.

広島平和記念資料館は広島の主要の「No More Hiroshimas」の努力でできています。原爆と原爆の後の困り果てた写真やビデオや直話でいっぱいです。

Hiroshima Castle

Although some pieces of the original stone foundation remain, replicas of the keep and tower were built after the war, the former housing a museum dedicated to the grounds.


Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island is home to world-famous scenery and several stunning temples. Perhaps the most famous single construction is the giant tori gate of the Itsukushima shrine. Here is the beautiful gate as depicted on the admission ticket:


And here is what I saw:


Unfortunately, not only was the shrine under construction, ruining my photos of it and totally hiding the gate, I arrived on the island at low tide, meaning I did not see the illusion of the shrine and gate floating on water.


The other shrines on the island made up for my mistake a little.


Fudoin Temple

Fudoin Temple is one of a handful of Hiroshima temples outside of the bomb’s radius. Many of the buildings date back to the 17th century, although the grounds have been used as a temple since the 11th.


Hiroshima Manga Library

My final stop was a library devoted to Japanese comic books. Located at the top of a long, uphill hike, the interior of the fairly interesting building looked exactly like every other public library I have entered, just with comics rather than books.


December 2021 365 Project