December 2018 – Here It Goes Again

Published on Author admin

Sorry for the delay, folks.  As you can imagine, December was crazily busy as I tried to learn a new job while searching for an apartment.



My first month at Indeed went as well as can be expected.  My co-workers have all been friendly and helpful.  My boss flew out from Austin, Texas to spend the week here, helping me adjust while meeting with other Tokyo-based folks.  The benefits of working at Indeed, such as free lunches, relaxed schedules, and plenty of sofas and lounge chairs all turned out to be true.  My office is located at the Ebisu Garden Tower and has an amazing view of the city.  There is very little to complain about.  Perhaps the most significant challenge is dealing with the daily deluge of information created by so many engineers.  I will need some sound filtering strategy to keep everything straight.

Indeedの最初の月は予想通りよかったです。 同僚は優しくて親切です。上司はテキサスのオースチンから(飛んで)飛行機で来て、一週間私を手伝って、ほかの東京で働いている会社員と会ったりしていました。 無料の昼ご飯や厳しくないスケジュールや座りごこちがいいソファと(安楽椅子)休めるラウンジの椅子というIndeedの恩恵は全部本当です。 すごい東京の光景が見える私の事務所は恵比寿のガーデンタワーです。 ほとんど文句はありません。 多分、一番難しい点は技術者から創られる情報との日々の殺到を何とかこなすことです。 全部をわかるためにはチャレンジが必要です。


Indeed put me up at an amazing apartment in the heart of Shibuya.  Although small, which is typical for Tokyo, it was well appointed, comfortable, and surrounded by a fascinating part of the city.  I spent many evenings simply walking around Shibuya, enjoying the madness of the crowd, knowing I did not have to fight my way to a train to go home.

渋谷の真ん中の凄いアパートをIndeedは初めに提供してくれました。 東京らしく狭くても家具がよくて心地よく楽で都会らしい素晴らしい環境に取り巻かれていました。 電車で戻らなくてもよかったので、にぎやかな人だかりが楽しくて、夜にたくさん渋谷で散歩しました。

My biggest problem was that I could only stay in Shibuya for a short time.  I needed to find a place of my own.  Indeed hired a company to help me with the search, but I found them difficult to work with.  Combined with rising prices in my desired ward and the general disinterest in renting to foreigners, I found very slim pickings.  I would have loved to find a place in my old stomping grounds of Koenji or Ogikubo, but I could not find a satisfactory place.  After looking at many residences, I finally settled on an apartment that I did not much like, but that was located in the very cool city of Nakano.  

1番の問題は短期間しか渋谷のアパートに泊まれなかったことです。 自分で貨りるアパートが必要でした。  Indeedは私を手伝う不動産会社を雇ってくれましたが、私は手がけにくかったです。 住みたい区では高くなる事と大屋が外国人にアパートを賃貸したがらないので選べるアパートがあまりありませんでした。 昔住んでいた高円寺か荻窪に見つけられればよかったけれど、よいアパートを見つけられませんでした。 アパートをたくさん見てからあまり好きじゃない物件だけれど、面白い街の中野にあるアパートを選びました。

The apartment is further from the train station than I would like, features several low ceilings I am guaranteed to smash my head into at night, and was built in approximately the Cretaceous era.  On the plus side, it is on the big side, Nakano station has excellent trains, and the famous geek-shopping-paradise Nakano Broadway is located nearby.  I moved into the apartment in the new year, so I will write more about it later.

アパートは私が望んでいたより駅から遠くて、夜に頭がぶつかるくらい低い天井があって、ものすごく昔に建てられました。 でも良い面はかなりあり、中野は止まる電車が便利でオタクに人気があるであろう中野ブロードウェイが近いです。 今年始めに引っ越したばかりなので、次の更新でもっとそれについて書きます。


In Japan, Christmas is less about family and is more a romantic holiday for couples.  I took a solitary walk through the illuminated Yoyogi Park, a particularly popular place for romance in this season.
