January 2017 – Putting Pencil to Paper

Published on Author admin

Winter in Ohio is always pretty dull (although February is the worst.) This month I wrote more about what I did not do than what I did. Click through for some pictures of stuff I drew.

オハイオの冬はいつもつまらないです. (でも二月は一番わるい.) 今月しなかった事のほうがした事よりについて書きました. 描いた絵を見るためにクリックしてください.

I Don’t Draw So Much as Copy

I drew a picture of an artist/performer I met in Japan.


This drawing is a copy of a photo I took of her at a Tokyo Design Festa. I had a lot of trouble drawing her face correctly. This is my fourth attempt and I had to employ a grid over the photo to get the proportions correct. I think I should have spent more time working on her hands. And I need more practice employing color-pencil-techniques such as blending. But I think it turned out pretty good.

この絵は東京デザインフェスタで私は撮った写真のコピーです. 顔を描きにくかったです. これは四目のこころみで等身を正しく
書くのためにグリッドを使わなくちゃいけなかったです. 手をもっと務めるべきだった. そしてブレンドとか色鉛筆のテクニックの練習がいります. でもわるくないと思います.

I used to draw from photos all the time as a kid using pencils.


These days, though, I make very little time for drawing. I also do not read as much as I did when I was younger. Studying Japanese ate up a lot of my drawing and reading time. However, I also think the Internet wastes a lot of my free time. I would like to have the discipline to put hours back into art and reading, but discipline has never has never been my strong suit.

こんごろあまり描いていません. そして子供の時のほうが読んでいます. 日本語の勉強は読む時間と描く時間がたくさんかかります. でもインターネットはたくさん時間の無駄だと思います. 読みと描きをもっとしたいですけど自粛が上手じゃありません.

I spent a significant amount of time working with a Surface tablet to see if I could use it to draw my web-comic, Sphere & Block-Thing. After a lot of work, I determined that I could not produce satisfactory results on the Surface. I have a Wacom tablet for my PC that I need to learn to use for the same purpose. Perhaps, if I can speed up the process, I could produce more than three comics per year.

Sphere & Block-Thingという私のウェブコミックを描くのためにSurfaceのタブレットたくさん描いて見ました. でもいい成果がありませんでした. 同じ目的にはパソコンのWacomのタブレットが習いたいです. もっと早く描けったら一年にコミックを三つ以上描けます.