October 2016 – Manna from Japan

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My friend Mandy and I traded care packages from America and Japan. Check out what she sent me and see me fail to draw Pikachu.

Mandyという友達とアメリカと日本に小包を交換しました. 送られた物と私のピカチュウの絵の失敗を見てください.

Only the Finest Imported Junk Food

My friend Mandy in Japan and I got to talking one day and we decided to send each other junk food that was not available in our respective countries. I sent her candy, Halloween stickers, and one of those coloring books with on-line capabilities.

あの日日本に住んでいるMandyという友達と話して私たちの国に買えないお菓子を送って決めました. 私はスイーツとハロウィンステッカーとオンラインの性能がある塗り絵本を送りました.


Mandy sent me a box full of fun stuff that was decorated with her cool doodles.



Inside was a dizzying array of Japanese snack foods and a duck/computer duster. The honey and kinako (soy powder) candies were my favorite treat.

日本のお菓子と鴨のダスターがありました. きなことはちみつのお菓子が一番美味しかったです.


My favorite item, though, was this ring of flashcards. Before I switched to a flashcard program on my smart phone, I made hundreds of these little flashcards for Japanese grammar, vocabulary, and kanji. Mandy has re-purposed the cards into an excuse to draw she calls “Doodle-a-Day.” I have two of her masterworks in this package which, there is no doubt, will be worth a fortune someday.

語彙カードが番好きでした. スマホを使う前単語とか漢字とか文法にはこのような語彙カードをたくさん使いました. Mandyは小さい絵を描いています. このすばらしい絵を二枚もらいました.


Thanks Mandy!


My Pikachu Has Scoliosis
