This month I had a great three-day weekend playing D&D with two of my best friends. Other than that, work was tough.
今月三連休の週末に大親友とD&Dというゲームを遊びました. そして仕事は大変でした.
JimMattBrad Con 2
For those of you who have not known me for a long time, I have two old friends, Jim, whom I met in kindergarden, and Matt, whom I met in Junior High. Until we separated for college, one of our main hobbies was playing Dungeons and Dragons.
長い間に私と知り合わないブログを読んでいる人に旧友が二人です. Jimは幼稚園に始めてMattは中学に始めました. 大学まで趣味はDungeons and Dragonsでした.
10 years ago, when I was living in Chicago, Matt was living in Tokyo, and Jim was living in Michigan, we had a chance to spend a three-day weekend together. We chose a centrally located city with few distractions, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and spent the whole time gaming.
10年前私はシカゴに住んでMattは東京に住んでJimはミシガンにすんでいました. 三連休の週末を一緒に遊ぶ場合がありました. 気を散らすことがあまりなくて中心のFort Wayne, Indianaという町を選んで週末中ゲームを遊びました.
We could not pull it off again until this year, in Toledo, Ohio. Matt brought custom t-shirts, Jim brought dice bags and great food, and I brought the gothic horror adventure called “The Curse of Strahd.” Throughout the entire weekend, my cursed vampire toyed with Jim and Matt’s band of four adventurers, only to meet his end on the balcony of Castle Ravenloft, overlooking the doomed village of Barovia.
今年までその場合がありませんでした. Toledo, OhioにMattは特注デザインt-シャツを持ってJimはさいころの袋を持って私はThe Curse of Strahdというゴシックホラーのアドベンチャー持ちました. 週末中私のバンパイアはMattとJimのキャラクターをアタックしているけどBaroviaという上がったり村を見下ろしているCastle Ravenloftの縁側に投げました.
It was an excellent time and I would not have traded it for the world.
Deadly Deadlines
JimMattBrad Con 2 was a welcome relief from a very stressful month at work. Some sudden deadlines meant a lot of overtime and pressure. With luck, the storm will be over at the end of the month and August will return to sanity.
JimMattBrad Con 2は仕事の大変な月から解放でした. びっくりな締め切りだから残業とストレスがたくさんありました. 月末にこの嵐が止めばいいだと思います.