February 2023 – What Are We Watching?

Published on Author admin

This month I have a few photos from the dullest professional wrestling show I’ve ever attended.


Deep Knee Boredom

Tokyo is home to dozens of small professional wrestling organizations, to the point where I can’t keep track even of the ones I have seen live. But I will make sure to remember the name of the company that staged this month’s snoozefest.


I picked this event because I want to shoot my favorite wrestler, Ancham, in an actual ring (as opposed to a wrestling memorabilia store, like I did last August.)


The show opened with a young lady taking an entrance exam to join the wrestling company. The test began with a grueling set of squats, push-ups, sit-ups, then moved on to other exercises vaguely related to wrestling. After the first fifteen minutes, I started to fidget in my seat, as this seemed to be taking a long time. After thirty minutes, I became annoyed, but was apparently the only one as the audience members around me said things like “amazing” and “so difficult.” At forty-five minutes, I was outraged that I’d paid full price for a show with only an hour of actual bouts.

ショーの始めは女子が入団の試験をしました。 試験の始めは大変なスクワットや腹筋や腕立てをしました。それから他のプロレス関係の運動を続けました。最初の十五分後、私はソワソワし始め「ちょっと長い…」と思いました。三十分後、イライラしたけれど、他の観客は「すごい」や「難しい」と褒めていました。四十五分後、チケット全額を払ったのにプロレスが一時間しかなかったから憤慨しました。

Oh, and the girl passed the exam. Of course she did. It’s professional wrestling.


The few matches that followed were by-the-book and uninspired.


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