September 2024 – Hakone

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This month I have photos of more trees than you can shake a branch at. In addition, you can see some old toys and a new concert. Come celebrate the end of this Hellish summer.



I took a short vacation to Hakone, a popular domestic travel destination about an hour and a half outside of Tokyo. My intent for this vacation was to spend a little time sight-seeing and a lot of time relaxing around the hotel, reading, and perhaps watching a movie or two. Unfortunately, the hotel was not particularly well suited for this. Because my last minute reservation left me with few choices, I booked a ryokan, or “Japanese inn.” The main attraction of a ryokan, and of Hakone itself, is public baths. I assume this hotel had a nice one, but I had no interest in it. The room was large and beautiful, but filled with low-to-the-ground furniture that did not fit me.


This inn’s second prominent feature was its view. Because Hakone lies in the caldera of a dormant volcano, it is surrounded on every side by tall, forested peaks. Even this nature-abstaining writer had to admit the view from my room and the open rooftop was beautiful.

この旅館の二番目の魅力は美しい景色でした。. 箱根は休火山の火口にあるから、森々に覆われた高い山々に囲まれています。自然が苦手な私でも、部屋と屋上から見られる景色はすばらしかったと認めざるを得ませんでした。

When looking at maps of Hakone, I planned to be able to walk around the area of my hotel rather leisurely. However, Google Maps did not make clear just how steep and hilly the roads were. On the first night I walked from my hotel to the shopping district and back, vowed never to do that again, and became a master of the Hakone public buses. Again, though, the beauty of Hakone won me over as the aging and moss-covered buildings provided amazing scenes everywhere I looked.

箱根の地図を見た時、ホテルの近所で楽に散歩ができると思いました。Googleマップでは急勾配な丘がたくさんあることを示せませんでした。初日にホテルから商店街へ歩いて戻り、もう二度と歩きたくないと誓い箱根の乗合バスの名人になりました。それでも、 そこらじゅうの苔むした建物は素晴らしかったです。

On my first full day, I hopped on the Hakone-Tozan Railway to ascend the mountain. This is the second steepest train in the world. In fact, it does not travel in a straight line, but rather zig-zags up the slope by stopping and switching tracks several times. It also featured stone tunnels that were more than 100 years old.


Near the top I visited the Hakone Open Air Museum. This museum features many outdoor exhibits and an impressive Picasso collection. Of course, being on the side of a volcano, the path was a little exhausting. Amusingly, as nice as the art was, the pieces were often overshadowed by the beauty of the landscape behind them.

頂上の近くでは、箱根 彫刻の森美術館を訪ねました。この美術館には屋外展示や面白いピカソの展示があります。火山の山腹にあるからもちろん歩きにくかったです。展示は素敵だったけれど、後ろの美しい景色で芸術品がかすんで見えることもありました。

On the second day I went back up the mountain to the top this time. There, I boarded a cable car for the final assent. This lead to the Hakone Ropeway, a cable gondola that passes over the top of the volcano.

二つ目は、今度は山の頂上にまで登りました。そこから、箱根登山ケーブルカーに乗りました。次に火山の頂上を渡っている箱根ロープウェイという ゴンドラリフトに乗りました。

Halfway across, you can stop at a station to take photos of sulfur vents and the surrounding peaks.


The ropeway ends at Lake Ashinoko, where I boarded a pirate ship that took me to my bus station for the trip back to the hotel.


Super Festival

Super Festival is a byzantine flea market of old and new toys held in the Science and Technology Museum. I attended one time more than a decade ago, remembered enjoying it, but unsure why I never returned. After strolling the maze once again, I recalled the reason. As much fun as the tin toys and piles of action figures are, I still can not afford the dealers’ prices.


Reitoubonyuu Concert

My acquaintance, Habiko, invited me to take photos at her band’s concert this month. The band’s name can be translated as “Frozen Mother’s Milk” and they bill themselves as a comedy rock show. Because rock shows are so fun to shoot, I jumped at the opportunity.


Miscellaneous Photos