Point and Click Plus
In the end of 2012 I decided to buy a fairly expensive camera (Canon Rebel 3Ti/Kiss 5) with a lens kit. In Japan, I often found myself trying to take photos in low-light conditions, and this camera came highly recommended. Due to the price, I decided to make an honest attempt at learning the art of photography. I never reached a level higher than "rank amateur" but every once in a while I got lucky and took a good shot. This page features the very best of my shots.
Click on a thumbnail to see a bigger photo.
2012年にちょっと高いカメラ(Canon Rebel 3Ti/Kiss 5)をを買いました. 日本では撮影用の光が十分で出ない場所で写真を撮ることが多かったので、このカメラに行き当たりました. 高価なカメラなので撮影方法を学び始めました. アマチュアですが、時々良い写真が撮れました. ここには1番好きな写真を載せています.

Akihabara at Night


Inokashira Kichijouji

Tokyo Big Site

Tokyo Sunderu Garuzu

Design Festa Belly Dancer

Tokyo Tower at Night


Musician in Koenji

Tokyo Tower View

Ghibli Museum