November 2017 – Hello Windows My Old Friend

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This November, I created a brand new version of (which I detailed last month), took a long vacation, and fought with my PC.


Goodbye Linux Headaches, Hello Windows Headaches

I have been using Linux (Ubuntu) for more than a decade and, for the most part, enjoyed it. My biggest gripe with Linux is that, at least once a year, I had some problem that required many hours to solve. Linux problems seem to come in two flavors, well-documented and quickly fixed road-bumps and time-consuming nightmares with no end. In early November, I had yet another of the second variety.

十年間以上Linux(Ubuntu)を使っていました. ほとんどよかったですけど. 一年に一回以上直すために時間がたくさんかかる問題がありました. Linuxの問題の種類が二つです. 周知で簡単のか果てしないのです. 上旬に二つ目の種類の問題がありました.

At first, fighting to get Linux to do what I wanted was fun, like an interesting puzzle. But as I age, I am less and less interested in wasting time trying to get my PC to work properly.

はじめてLinuxの問題を直すのが楽しかったです. 面白いパズルでした. 年を取るにつれてこのような問題が時間のムダになります.

In addition, I feel like Linux has not made much progress in usability over the last 10 years. While gaming on Linux has improved, oversights in system usability have lingered since I first installed it.

そしてLinuxは最後の十年に進歩をあまりしませんでした. ゲームが改善したけど使いやすさの問題は残っています.

So I decided to switch back to Windows. Window is certainly not problem-free, but I hope it will require less trouble-shooting over the long haul. It took about a week to get everything working smoothly and to replace all my applications. But, so far, so good.

だからWindowsを切り替えることにしました. もちろんWindowsも問題があるけどWindowsよりトラブルシューティングをかかればよかったです. アップを切り替えるのは一週間がかかりました. 今までいいです.

Winter Vacation

Sadly, due to financial considerations, I chose to forego a trip to Japan this year. However, I still had the two weeks after Thanksgiving scheduled as vacation and saw no reason to change it. I spent the time focusing on relaxing and enjoying the lack of schedules and pressure. I took a couple of road trips to see old friends, which was refreshing and fun. I probably played too many video games. I also worked on catching up on my back-log of super-hero movies with the help of my Mom. I can’t call it productive, but this year’s vacation was calm and serene.

残念ながらお金せいで今年日本に行かないことにしました. でもThanksgivingの後二週間は休みました. のんびりしてストレスがない時間がよかったです. 友達を訪ねるのために短い旅行しました. 楽しかったです. テレビゲームをしすぎました. ちょっと古いスーパーヒーローの映画をお母さんと見ました. 生産的言えなくても平均でした.