February 2017 – Hello Okonomiyaki

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In this, the worst month of the year, I struggled to find anything interesting to talk about. I managed to write a few words about cooking and about my favorite language learning application.

年の中に一番悪い月これに面白い物が見付けにくかったです. 料理と一番好きな言語の勉強のアップについて少し書きました.

Brad Made Okonomiyaki

Late in the month I tackled cooking okonomiyaki. For those unfamiliar with Japanese cuisine, okonomiyaki is a large, fried pancake containing flour, cabbage, eggs, pork and/or seafood, which is topped off with a sweet, brown sauce, seaweed, and mayonnaise (which I omitted on purpose cause… ew.) While in Japan last year, one of my friends gave me a okonomiyaki kit to take home. The kit contained about half of the necessary ingredients. Some of the missing ingredients, such as eggs and water, were easy to supply. Others, such as the green onion and pork, I had to substitute related items, specifically regular onions and Canadian bacon (my grocery store does not sell thinly sliced pork like the supermarkets in Japan have.) The sauce, probably the most important ingredient, was not available locally, so I had to buy it over the Internet.

下旬にお好み焼きの料理を作りました. 和食がわからない読者にはお好み焼きが大きくて焼いたパンケーキです. お好み焼きは粉とキャベツと卵と豚肉かシーフードを含んで上に甘くて茶色いソースとノリとマヨがあります. (でもマヨが無しです. いやからです.) 去年の日本旅行の時友達からお好み焼きセットのおみやげをもらいました. 必要な材料を含みました. 卵とか水とか欠落の材料が収めやすかったです. 長ネギとか豚肉とか他の材料を等しい物が代わりしました. 特に玉ねぎとカナダのベーコン使わなくちゃいけませんでした. (スーパーは日本のスーパーが売れる薄い豚肉売り出せん.) 一番大切なソースは近くに買えないからインターネットで買いました.

Lacking a large frying surface, I made my okonomiyaki one at a time in a regular fry pan. This led to two very different sizes of okonomiyaki, but both tasted reasonably authentic.

大きい鉄板がないから一つづつ普通のフライパンで料理しました. お好み焼きの大きさはたくさん違っても正真正銘な味がありました.

Hello Mistakes

Sometime last year, one of my Japanese friends introduced me to the language learning smartphone application HelloTalk. On it, people from all over the world write messages and blog entries in the language they are studying. They also help out by correcting the posts of people studying their native language. They can even record audio and video messages. Those looking for live communication can arrange phone calls as well. All of these services are completely free! (You can pay to get rid of the ads.)

去年日本友達はHelloTalkという言語の勉強のためのスマホアップを招待しました. それでどこでもに住んでいる人達はメッセージとブログを勉強している言語で書いています. ほかの更新を修正を書いて手伝っています. ヴォイスとビデオも撮れます. ライブのコミュニケーションが欲しい人は電話ができます. 全部は無料ですよ! (広告がなしバージョンを買えます.)

Because I enjoy writing, I have been mostly posting “Moments” which are similar to my BradBlog entries. The answers and advice have been pretty valuable, if not a bit contradictory. For my contribution, I dusted off my English teaching skills from a few years back and wrote corrections to over 100 “Moments.” Unfortunately, I didn’t get a prize.

執筆が好きだからほとんどBradBlogみたい[もメンツ]という更新をしています. 返事とアドバイスは役に立って時々相矛盾です. 私の貢献は英会話の教師の力を使ってもメンツの修正を百以上書きました. 残念ながら賞をもらいませんでした.