November 2022 – Kyoto 2022

Published on Author admin

November was jam packed with events. Unfortunately, they were all crammed into a single week around my birthday. I’m tired.


Tokyo Design Festa Fall 2022

As usual, Tokyo Design Festa featured two days of live painting, performances, and unreasonably long lines in front of food trucks.


The most amusing moment occurred at the smaller stage on the fourth floor. An amusingly named Jpop idol group, Hissatsu Emomomomo Seven, stacked the audience with hardcore fans whose dancing and singing livened up the usually sedate crowd.


Kyoto 2022

When the pandemic allows it, I have been taking trips to celebrate my birthday. This year I returned to Kyoto for the third time. I visited a few favorite places and saw some amazing new sites.


Central Kyoto

My hotel was strategically located in the center of Kyoto, meaning I could easily get to some old favorites, such as Gion and Pontocho.



Kyoto’s sister city, Nara, was one of the first capitals of Japan and is home to the giant Nara park. The park holds far more museums, shrines, and temples than I could see in one day. So I focused on two of the more popular sites. You might notice Nara’s most famous residents, tame deer, who snuck into many of my photos.

京都の隣の奈良市は日本の 初期の都の一つで、大きい奈良公園があります。この公園には一日では見切れないくらい博物館と神社とお寺があります。だから人気がある場所二つに焦点をあてました。一番有名な住民、慣れた鹿が写真に写り込んだ事に気が付くかもしれません。


Kofukuji is a Buddhist temple with a number of associated wood buildings. The 5 story pagoda and museum were highlights.



The approach to Todaiji includes the giant wooden gate called Nandaimon. Behind the gate lies the giant wood building that houses Nara’s giant Buddha statue.The temple is made up of mostly a single room that contains five huge metal and wood statues. The scale of the art and the beauty of the architecture made this one of the most impressive places I have ever been.



Ryoanji is a must-visit for me every time I am in Kyoto. The temple’s beautiful rock garden and surrounding nature make it a profoundly beautiful place.


Nijo Castle

The grounds of Nijo Castle in central Kyoto contain two moats, two giant wood buildings, and numerous gardens that show off Kyoto’s fall colors. Due to maintenance, I could only enter the Ninomaru Palace, which contains large rooms the shogun used to hold government meetings. Metal nails in the flooring squeak underfoot, earning the nickname “nightingale floors.”

京都の中の二条城の敷地には、堀が二つ、巨大な木造建築が二つ、京都ならではの紅葉が見れるいい庭がたくさんあります。維持整備のため、将軍に政府の会議に使用された部屋がある二の丸御殿にだけ入れました。 フローリングの金製の釘は歩くとぎゅうぎゅうと聞こえるから「うぐいす張り」と言われています。

Kyoto Manga Museum

The Kyoto Manga Museum is half museum and half library. While the exhibits were nicely done and very interesting, they were difficult to navigate due to comic readers sitting on uncomfortable wooden stools literally everywhere. Someone get these people a cushion!


Tokyo Comic Con 2022

More than 50 percent of the convention floor at Tokyo Comic Con was devoted to the main stage and to autograph lines. Another 15 percent was taken up with reproductions of famous movie cars. Caring about neither, I found the show underwhelming.


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