August 2016 – New Tricks

Published on Author admin

August was a pretty dull month, so I am spending this blog entry geeking out about Dungeons and Dragons. Readers beware!

八月つまらなかったらこの更新はDungeons and Dragonsについて書いています. 気をつけてください.

Click D20

As I have gotten back into D&D this year, I have been amazed at the online resources available for players. When I was a kid, Jim and I played the game for years completely alone, with nothing more than the rule books. When we finally went to our first D&D convention as teenagers, we were astounded to see not only the huge number of other people who loved the game, but also the many different styles of play.

今年Dungeons and Dragonsの興味があってオンラインの資源はすごいくたくさんわかります. 子供の時Jimと私は二人だけ遊びました. ルールの本以外ありませんでした. びっくりに始めの大会へ行く時ゲームが大好きな人と遊ぶ方法と多いでした.

These days, D&D players have on-line forums, podcasts, and tons of video to learn from. In fact, for the first time ever, this summer a live game of Dungeons and Dragons will be shown in movie theaters across the country!

このごろD&Dのプレイヤーはオンラインフォーラムとかポッドキャストとかたくさんのビデオが倣えます. 実はこの夏初めてDungeons and Dragonsのライブをアメリカの中映画館に放送されます.

Not only can you learn about the game online, but now you can even play online. After last month’s JimMattBrad Con 2, Jim, Matt, and I began using the Roll20 website to continue playing. It features audio, video, maps, and even sound and visual effects.

オンラインでゲームを習えるだけだはなく遊べます. 先月のJimMattBrad Con 2からJimとMattとRoll20と言うサイトで遊んで続いています. このサイトは音とビデオと地図と特撮もあります.



It is nowhere near as good as playing face to face. In the company of my friends, time flies and we are inexhaustible. Online, I find it more difficult to sustain my attention. Still, for a few hours each week it is quite fun and a good compromise for the locationally challenged.

直に遊ぶのほうがいいです. 友達と時間が早いで専念ができます. オンラインのほうが専念がしにくいです. でも毎週二三時が楽しくて遠い友達にいいだと思います.