March 2016 – Click. Zzzzzz.

Published on Author admin

This month, I spent too much money on photography equipment.


The Olden Days

I have always been the sort of person who hangs on to things for a long time. However, my time in Japan and my advancing age has changed my attitude on possessions. These days, my goal is to eliminate clutter while retaining memories.

私は思い出の品をたくさん持っている人です. でも日本に住むのと年を取っているから感情が変更しました. このごる目的は覚えを守って乱雑を減らしたいです.

While living with my Mom, we worked on scanning old photographs and digitizing old video tapes. This month, I began doing the same thing with my old scrapbooks.

お母さんと住んでいると古い写真をスキャンして家族のビデオをディジタイズしました. 今月古い切り抜き帳もディジタル写真を取りました.

Starting in college, I began making scrapbooks to hold photos, magazine articles, and my own writing. It was a habit I continued into my early thirties, so now I have a stack of 15 monstrous tomes. These books hold a lot of great memories and keepsakes. However, they also hold a lot of information about bands, actors, and authors I no longer care about. (The 20-year-old me was much more interested in celebrities than the 46-year-old me.)

大学の時写真とか雑誌の記事とか自分の文を持つの為に切り抜き帳を始めてつくりました. 三十歳ぐらいに続いたから今ちょう大きい本が15冊があります. 本はいい覚えがたくさん含む. でも今関係ないバンドとかやくしゃとか作者とか情報がたくさんふくんでいます. (二十歳の私のほうが四十六歳の私よりスターに興味があります.)

In addition, the Internet has made all of the magazine articles and celebrity photos redundant. If I want to know anything about Madonna, Wikipedia can tell me.

そしてインターネットからそのような情報が余剰になりました. マダナについて何か知りたかったらウィキペディアで読めます.

So I decided to digitize these scrapbooks, saving only the most important pages. The books are way too big for a scanner but my fancy camera was up to the job. To take so many photos, though, I needed a tripod and a couple of lights with light stands.

それから切り抜き帳を一番大切のページを持っていてディジタイズすることにしました. スキャナーの為に大きいすぎるけど私の高いカメラは大丈夫でした. 写真をたくさん取る為にトライポッドと二つの電気が必要でした.


Even with the lights, my apartment was still too dark. I had to break down and build a light box out of one of my moving boxes.

新しい電気のにアパートは暗すぎました. 引越するの箱からライットボックスを作らなくちゃいけませんでした.


With all this in place I got down to the job of photographing all the pages of the scrapbooks. Which turned out to be drudgery of the first order. Luckily, I discovered that Youtube has a number of full Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes uploaded and they kept me company during the job.

それからページを写真を取りました. 大変つまらなかったですよ! 嬉しくにYoutubeはMystery Science Theater 3000という番組がたくさんありました.

Hopefully I can announce the completion of this project in the next Bradblog post.
